General Contractor Info

     BidSite pays special attention to the needs of the General Contractors. The General Contractors form an important part in the bidding process. While not having as many options or tools available on BidSite as the Bid Registrars and SubContractors, we are confident that BidSite can also help General Contractors in the bidding process. BidSite can provide you with extensive information about projects, sections, and the bids that were placed to you when the projects close. Also, you will have access to an easy to use interface for placing your own bids to the Bid Registrars. Please browse the information in the help index to the left under General Contractor to answer any question that you might have on how BidSite can help your Contracting company.

     BidSite is constantly changing to fit the needs of those who utilize this tool. If you have any suggestions on the implementation or features of this site, please feel free to contact our webmaster at so that we can quickly suit your growing needs.