Editing a Project

     BidSite understands that projects can easily change with time. That is why we have provided an easy mechanism to update project and section information. Before a project closes, a Bid Registrar is able to edit any part of the project that he wishes. However, it is the responsibility of the General and SubContractors to review any changes that have been made to a project and update their bids accordingly. To edit a project, please follow these steps.

Once a project has been selected for editing, the Edit Project page will appear. You can modify the project information simply by editing the text fields.

You can add additional sections and general contractors to the project but you may not remove sections or contractors that have already been added previously. If you would like to add sections to your Bid Registrar Profile, please email us at support@bidsite.org.

Section Description and bidsheets can also be updated on this page. However, similar to sections and General Contractors, you can not edit bidboxes that have already been created. If it is necessary to change the bidsheet, you may add additional bidboxes to the ones that already exist in order to reflect those changes.

Similar to when a project is first created, click on the continue button at the bottom of the edit project page in order to go to the project confirmation page. On that page you will be able to upload any necessary bidsheets and confirm the changes that you have made.