Adding a SubContractor |
Bid Registrars deal with many SubContractors in their profession. BidSite understands this and thus has created an easy and applicable way to interact with them. Each Bid Registrar will have an online contact list of all of their SubContractors. Bid Registrar's cannot create SubContractors directly, but can only add SubContractors when those companies personaly register with BidSite. However, Bid Registrars can place proxy bids for those SubContractors who do not register with BidSite. To view more information on proxy bids, please refer to the help index to the left under Proxy Bids. Adding SubContractors to your SubContractor list is painlessly easy. All of the SubContractors in BidSite's database can be accessed by clicking "Add" on the Sub section of the main Registrar page. All that it takes to add a SubContractor is to click the "Add" button to the left of the SubContractor's company name. You will be asked for confirmation from BidSite before the SubContractor is added to your list. |